Is recycling mandated?
Recycling is mandatory by law (Broome County Charter & Code) in Broome County and applies to households, multifamily dwellings, businesses and institutions.
What materials can I put in my recycling bin?
HERE you can find information on all accepted materials for the Broome County Recycling Program.
How do I get rid of my old computer?
Broome County holds free electronics and household hazardous waste collections on a monthly basis year round for Broome County residents. Collections are held at the household hazardous waste facility located at the Broome County Landfill. Please follow the links for a listing of collection dates and acceptable materials.
When I put my recyclables out, who is responsible for collection of the material?
The trash hauler that picks up your garbage is required to provide collection service for recycling. If you do not have garbage service through your municipality or a private hauler then you are responsible for handling your recycling. The county offers a free recycling drop-off location at the Broome County Landfill. Please Note: The county does not provide curbside collection services for trash or recycling.
Where can I find a trash hauler?
Contact your local municipality to find out if municipal hauling is offered or which private haulers service your area.
How do I replace or get a new recycling bin?
Check HERE for information on getting a recycling bin
We rent space and there is no provision for recycling. What can we do?
Contact your property manager. They are responsible by law (Broome County Charter & Code) to implement a workable recycling program and to arrange for collection and/or transportation of all recyclable materials to a material recovery facility.
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